
The DPC offers events both exclusive to the breed and promotional events that are open for all. Open events have no breed restrictions as long as the dogs are registered or pending registration (as in you've sent in the form and are waiting on confirmation).


Both unaltered and cropped and/or docked dogs are free to enter breed specific events! An unaltered dog will incur no faults but a poorly cropped dog will (if you're unsure of possible crop styles for dogs head over here).


Albinos (whites not fawns/isabella's), dogs with Vitiligo, and Melanistic (full blacks) are not barred from competing in breed exclusive events but these colours are faults and will be treated as such (ie you're highly likely to be docked points).


Past Events

Previously hosted event photos will be hosted here.


The entries and winners will remain accessible so that you can get a sense of what we're looking for.

Event Rules

Before entering your dog in an event please read our General Rules carefully.


Event specific rules will be noted on their page along with any extra information.